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George’s Aut
o Repair Inc.

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George’s Auto Repair Inc., a NAPA AUTOPRO member since 1989, is located in the heart of Tillsonburg. Having served Tillsonburg since 1986, it is your one-stop shop for all automotive maintenance and repair needs. We are Euro specialists, and pride ourselves on staying up-to-date with all the latest vehicle technology. We can diagnose the toughest problems on all makes and models!

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NAPA Peace Of Mind Nationwide Limited Warranty

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24 Months / 40,000 km

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Your Peace of Mind Limited Warranty covers parts and labour performed at your NAPA AUTOPRO Service Centre for qualifying repairs and services for 24 months or 40,000 km. This written warranty will be honoured at over 17,000 NAPA Warranty Centres across North America

We Service Most Makes & Models

American   |  European  |   Import  |   Exotic

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